- Announced Annual Awards:
- Large Unit History Award Winner: USCGC Tampa.
- Small Unit History Award Winner: Aids to Navigation Team, St. Petersburg, Florida.
- Best Book on History: Professor Doug Kroll, Commodore Ellsworth Bertholf: First Commandant of the Coast Guard.
- Heritage Awards: To the “Old Chief,” USCG WW II veteran John Stanford, for his weekly column in the NYC-area paper Harbor Watch and his bi-monthly publication Greenland Patrol Newsletter.
- Sponsored, prepared, and edited a large-format, profusely-illustrated book The Coast Guard which sold out in 8 weeks.
- Provided funding to complete the oral history of ADM Merlin O’Neil.
- Suggested names for new classes of cutters, performing the vetting to ensure that there were no “skeletons” in the closets.
- Produced visual/oral history of BMCM Tom McAdams.
- Produced visual/oral history of VADM Thomas R. Sargent III.
- Produced visual/oral history of Bernard Bailey.
- Published three editions of The Cutter, FCGH’s magazine.