R 021732Z AUG 12
UNCLAS //N01000//
ALCOAST 356/12
1. Shipmates, I recently had the great privilege of visiting the
headquarters of the National Archives, where the archivists showed me
the original legislation which gave us our beginning, signed by
President George Washington on the 4th of August, 1790. This was a
very special event that vividly reminded me of the connection our
Service has to the history of the United States of America. This
year, as we celebrate the 222nd birthday of the U.S. Coast Guard, we
will dedicate time to honor our profession by focusing on proficiency
throughout the Service.
2. I invite you to view a Coast Guard Day video message from me and
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Leavitt using the
following links:
3. The Coast Guard remains an organization undergoing change while
sustaining a broad range of operations and support activities across
a diverse range of missions. Increased activity in the Arctic, the
continued flow of drugs and migrants toward our shores, threats to
fisheries, and our mandate to assure the safe and secure approaches
to American ports all confront us like uncertain and stormy seas-and
all in the context of shrinking budgets. At the same time, however,
we must rely on the enduring anchors that define us as Coast
Guardsmen – members of the profession of arms – and that are crucial
to our success: proficiency in craft, proficiency in leadership, and
disciplined initiative.
4. This week I published an article linked below that communicates my
vision and intent on proficiency, why it is important, what the
service is doing to improve it, and what I expect of each of you.
http://tinyurl.com/cff9hzr. I encourage you to read it and discuss it
with your shipmates.
5. Proficiency in craft, proficiency in leadership, disciplined
initiative-these are the anchors upon which we will hold fast in the
uncertain and stormy seas that we are facing.
6. Beyond the current situation, they are enduring. Their value and
necessity to our ethos and our mission success is proven in our rich
heritage and the long blue line of Coast Guard men and women who have
gone before us. They will sustain us in the future as they do now and
have before.
7. Within the next 30 days, commanding officers and
officers-in-charge shall discuss the contents of the article at
quarters or an appropriate muster. I encourage you to continue these
discussions in the mess deck and hangar deck, Chiefs Mess, wardroom,
and among staffs and teams.
8. As we face uncertain and stormy seas, current threats, or future
challenges, I am always confident that we will succeed because of the
great men and women of our Coast Guard. I am proud to be your
Commandant. Linda and I want to take this opportunity to thank you –
our Active Duty, Reserve, Civilian and Auxiliary members as well as
our retirees and all of our Coast Guard families, for your service,
sacrifice and dedication to duty.
9. We are Coast Guardsmen. This is our chosen profession. This is our
way. This is what we do.
10. Stand a Taut Watch. Semper Paratus.
11. Admiral Bob Papp, sends.
12. Internet release authorized.