- August 4: Press release announcing formation of The Foundation for Coast Guard History.
- VADM Howard Thorsen joined CAPT Fred Herzberg to make the Foundation happen. LCDR Tom Beard and MSTCS Dennis Noble, Ph.D, were very active supporters.
- Created By-Laws.
- Incorporated in Connecticut to ensure future continuity.
- Presented first awards:
- Unit Award: USCGC Storis.
- Book Awards.
- Best Book on History: Ralph C. Shanks and Wick York, The U.S. Life-Saving Service: Heroes, Rescues, Architecture.
- Best Book on Lighthouses/Aids to Navigation: Dennis L. Noble, Lighthouses and Keepers: The U.S. Lighthouse Service and Its Legacy.
- Heritage Award:
- Robert E. Johnson for his several books on CG heritage and history.
- Francis Ross Holland Jr. for his several books on lighthouses, U.S. Lighthouse Service, and Coast Guard.