Jim Hull VADM USCG (ret.)
It is that time of year again…summer and a renewed interest in history…when families and individuals search for knowledge and information. As many of you are aware, there is an effort underway to bring a museum dedicated to Coast Guard History to New London, Connecticut. The National Coast Guard Museum Association, Inc. has been raising funds to make this a reality. The Foundation for Coast Guard History supports this effort and is working to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with this Association. We all look forward to eventually visiting and seeing Coast Guard History displayed for all to see.
Related to visiting history sites and seeking information, we are always looking for articles and information regarding Coast Guard History for the CUTTER. As you enjoy the summer, please look for potential topics or information that would be enjoyed by Foundation members and forward them to us. Only by continually adding to the knowledge of our members can we stay relevant. So I challenge everyone to write an article for publication in the Cutter… investigating historical locations can only foster your interest and broaden your knowledge…but why keep it to yourself?
There also is a 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War sponsored by DOD going on. The website at http://www.vietnamwar50th.com, provides additional information. When events appear in your area ensure the Coast Guard is represented and you turn out to honor those who served during that period of our countries history. During this period of commemoration, we will publish additional information concerning Coast Guard involvement and history.
Your dues and donations keep our outreach and recognition efforts afloat. In that vein, we recognize the longest serving Cutterman and Aviator both enlisted and officer. We provide a print to the incoming Ancient and the print is presented at the change of watch ceremonies. We recently presented a print to the incoming Ancient Officer Aviator, VADM Charlie Ray. This is a great way to promote our Foundation while at the same time recognizing “history”. Thanks go to all those who contribute.
Lastly, thank you for being a member of our Foundation. It is a labor of love for those who put the CUTTER together and for those who remain committed to the growth of “OUR” organization. Promote our organization and “sign” up new members…and have a great summer!
Jim Hull